Sunday, April 3, 2011

Cali Totals and sights!

I feel at home there!  Took some time for me to get used to the traffic riding out of town, but I always love riding and spending time in Marin!  Can't wait for my next trip back!! 

Hours:42 hrs
Miles: 564 miles
Pastry Calories Required: 24000 KJs
Latte Count: Who knows, but I am on first name basis with most coffee shop baristas from Sausalito to Fairfax!! 

My Climbing Speed by the end of the week!

Sweet!, the Dam loop! Killer in both directions!

I'm on a boat!!

 Amazing how the camera can actually capture things exactly how I saw them while climbing with Mike!

Michelle dopping us on the last day!

 I don't have a descending muscle at 140 lbs, but these are still a lot of fun!

Great view of the bridge from the Marin Headlands

 What, good thing I found dessert! Could of ruined an evening!

Cruising the Paradise loop, did I say something wrong?

 Bridge view from prison, Alcatraz

Alcatraz, actually a fun tour!

 Bolinas Lagoon from Seven Sisters!

San Francisco from the top of Tam! 

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