Saturday, June 27, 2009

BC Stage 0 point 5!

Wow, that was an experience! I will never complain about registration again! It took 3 hrs today! All while standing in a small room that snaked around the room like 4 times!! After having the release form filled out we had to have a witness watch us sign it. Sweet, step 1! After 45 minutes it was onto step 2, medical! Then from medical, it was onto the most important step, FOOD! Pick your seating, then your restaurant for stage 3, then the time for your restaurant on stage 3, oh my good is the room spinning! After food, it was onto getting our bag that is supposed to follow us from stage to stage and then the repacking of the clothes! Then to top it all off, we went in for the hour long debrief that left my head spinning for sure!! All I can say by the end is I am in for an adventure!! Day 1 sounds like it is packed with some of the most tech riding that the North Shore has to offer! Good thing I have spent the last couple years chasing Mikey P down places like Mt Snow and Snowmass to hone the skills after years of racing on the vertically challenged terrain of Wisco!!

I am excited and nervous for the first stage tomorrow! It is a good thing though, it has been a while since I have been nervous to toe the line. It brings back that thrill that has been missing from the same ole same ole that I have felt for most of this year. For the rest of the trip we will be tenting it with the moving circus so I am guessing that they will not have WiFI installed even though I checked that box during registration today... I think.....? What time do I eat tomorrow, race time, any ferry trips? Good thing Michelle came along to take care of all the odds and ends! It is very helpful! She is also going to try and keep the blog updated and for those on Facebook she has been updating that as well.

Till the next time I see civilization!

1 comment:

Mountaingoat said...

Good luck dude!