Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Mikey P would be dissapointed!

So the rules Phillips and I used to use was the Race has to be longer than the travel!  Not gonna happen here!  That trip was painful!  Michelle is going to have a hard time getting me to board back into the germ tube and hurl myself through the sky at 500mph for the trip back!! 

Anyway we made it!  The bikes are built and Ben has already called given us the low down for today's schedule!  These guys are rock stars!  They have lunches planned, dinners planned, we have a sag today that is going to take us through the course, then let us get out and ride it today.  I guess the Aussie's are travelling with a press entourage so there is also a press conference today??  Should be fun and hopefully I do not say something inappropriate? 

So I will try to keep things updated, but for now here is the view from our hotel balcony:

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