Friday, December 21, 2012

Dodged it......

Made it out of town before the snow hit!!  Had a little issue driving down to the airport on Tuesday, but nothing that was going to slow the truck down just the plane that was supposed to get us to Detroit!  We did end up getting to Detroit after sitting in the airport with me in line to try and re-book and Michelle on the phone trying to find options.  Nothing to be found so we just took our flight when it finally went.  We ended up making it to Detroit 30 minutes after our flight to Florida left!  Looks like a night in the airport.  Luckily I was Michelle and not Phillips.  Back when Mike and I were travelling it would of meant sleeping on the airport benches, with Michelle it means a night at the Westin at the airport.  They both are experiences, but now a days I prefer the later!  In  the end it did not matter a lot cause we got out early on Wednesday and made to Florida by 10:30am.  After some lunch it was bike build time and a nice 60 mile ride along the coast in 80 degree weather!  Awesome!

On Thursday Michelle and I did the same ride and then I continued to get almost 70 miles in while I looked for a good coffee place.  In the end, no coffee place found but Shitbucks!  Oh yeah, also we dealt with 2 flats.  One was some Polish guy walking and I felt bad and fixed it for him, then no good dead goes unpunished!  I flatted after that.  Luckily for me Michelle put a new tube in my seat pack before I left again.

Our Thursday route:

Pancake flat!! The only KOM found was the causeway going into Ft Myers!  After the ride Michelle went golfing with her mom, which my A.D.H.D is only capable of about 3 holes so I always choose to stay home! Which was fine for me, this was my recovery!

Today we finally found a coffee shop that was not Shitbucks and it was pretty good.  It must be associated with the bike shop cause they had a fit studio that Scott probably wishes he had:

Including the Sworks Venge hanging in the upper right of the photo.

So today is an off day so looks like a bit of chilling.  Michelle and I went Xmas shopping this morning.  The MX3000 that I installed down her like 8 years ago is on its last leg so I tried to get Best Buy to sell me one at cost so but they would not.  So instead Precision Cell and Sound is going to next day me one so that I can install it tomorrow.  Thanks Jasen and Nate!

I hope everyone is enjoying the dig out back home!

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