Thursday, July 1, 2010

Invasive species

That's what I have, so the doctors say, and it will not go away.  The word that I am getting is I have a Bronchial virus or something.  All I know is I have a fever, shortness of breath, and just want to sleep all the time.  Not even my multiple daily lattes seem to help anymore.  I am not sure I believe all this, but I do know that I am not at 100% which is not good when you are headed to elevation to race.  Either way, we are off to Colorado and looking forward to the entire experience.  I will do my best to keep up with post and maybe even get some incriminating pictures cause I know either Ryan or I will do something stupid while we are there!! 


Ryan said...

My money is on that Ryan guy "doing something stupid." That guy's just not right.

Kyia said...

Take it easy dude, rest, rest, rest...Then rip there legs off! Spin to win!