Monday, March 29, 2010

Week one in the books...

And what a fun week.  We had a great camp with everyone having a great personality!  We ended camp with a 92 mile trek through the hills with over 7000 ft of climbing.  It was awesome and what is the best way to end the week, but another trip up over Mt Tam!! I think we did this like 10 times now!  So right before we headed over again we stopped in a small town to refuel.  You would think that there was a bakery around or something???

With all the goodies Michelle decided to take a break with a little comfort food after a long week

I like the smirck, it looks like she got caught with her hand in the cookie jar. 

After Tam there was one last climb up from the Dam to get back to Fairfax, which I must say is one of the most enjoyable routes we did all week!!  Here is a look of where we came from!

So now with camp.1 over Michelle and I have made our way south to a Spa Hotel in Avila Beach.  The morning ritual of a Latte was good this morning with the sun coming down and the temps well on their way to 70 degrees.  After a run to the pharmacy to get some antibiotics due to a tick deciding to make my side a home!  Yuck! We then came back to relax along the oceanside!  What a nice way to relax a get ready for camp.2!  Here is Michelle walking around and looking for springbreak scenery! 

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